Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama's Tax Policy

The American people have spoken.  I am so grateful that we have a voice in the selection of our leaders...we live in the greatest country on Earth.  What a blessing.  I hope that President Obama will be guided by wisdom and that he will choose thoughtful and experienced advisors as he navigates through the tough times our country is facing.  He certainly has his work cut out for him and I hope that he makes the right decisions for the future of our nation.  Now, what might his tax policy look like?  Answer:  Who knows?  I don't even want to speculate on this right now.  What tax changes we ultimately end up with may be and probably will be very different than what was proposed during his campaign.  I suspect that there will be some compromise.  If you are interested, 15 tax professors give their take on what we might expect.

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