Sunday, December 14, 2008

Oxymorons and Hypocricy

"Congressional Ethics Committee"....Talk about an oxymoron.  I was thinking this while reading an article concerning the House investigation of Rep. Charles Rangel's tax shenanigans, who hypocritically is the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, which writes our TAX legislation.  Do as I say, not as I do, right?  Among other things, he is accused of not paying taxes on $75K in rental income on his home in the Dominican Republic. 

Bottom line with Rangel's issues and all the bailout mess is that our lawmakers are no longer accountable to the people they represent.  They do not care about public service...most only care about enriching themselves.  They already "have theirs" so who cares about everybody else and how these decisions will affect us in the long term?  

We have gotten so far away from what our founding fathers originally intended.  They did not intend for us to have select career politicians making rules for decades.  Most people I talk to feel that we need to start over with a whole new Congress.  Maybe term limits on congressmen wouldn't be a bad idea?  Maybe I am naive, but all I know is that the system as it stands is NOT WORKING! 

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