Thursday, December 4, 2008

Simplifying the Tax Code

Good luck to anybody who wants a simpler federal tax code.  The company CCH, where I obtain some of my continuing education and tax guides, estimates that there have been more than 500 changes to the tax code this year.  I don't see a major overhaul to the tax system happening in the near future despite the call for a "Fair Tax" or "Flat Tax".  There is just too much public policy written into the tax code.  Most of the changes this year were made to bolster the economy, such as the passage of the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008.  Changes to the Texas Franchise Tax resulted in increasing complexity as well.  I spent more time this year calculating "taxable margin", having to take into account all the various inclusions and exclusions for different types of industries, than I ever spent calculating net income subject to the old franchise tax! 

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